This year, students at Big Spring High School are now experiencing a new change to their everyday schedule due to being forced to attend a set A flex schedule for every school day of the year. Allegedly, the students are experiencing this change because of their low keystone and SAT scores from the previous years, some students in the school find the new change very productive, while the majority of the others find it very disruptive since it gets rid of time with friends and time in the clubs they’re signed up for.
The new flex change was implemented because of their low Keystone test scores and low SAT scores for the state. The administration decided to make the change since they believe that making A flex mandatory would help students get their work done more efficiently and productively. But we as the students feel that this flex change will not help the Keystone and SAT scores to be better.
Last year for example, students had the choice to choose where they would have wanted to go for both A, B, and C flex, but now, with the new change, they only can choose where they wish to go for just B and C flex. The new flex schedule that the school building has implemented is a burden to the students and their learning experience, the new change prevents students from learning more and getting more help on school work during their flex time.
The new change to flex has not just disrupted students’ learning abilities, but it has also gotten in their way of enjoying time with their friends who they might not have any classes with. Students also don’t have the opportunity to experience the same amount of time in the various clubs they were in during the previous school year. For example, students last year had the amazing opportunity to participate in the Volleyball Club run by students and teacher Micah Artz. The students who participated in the club during the year enjoyed their time throughout the school year. Another club that the new schedule has shortened is Student Christian Athletes, run by Matthew Kump. Both Volleyball Club and Student Christian Athletes were both A flex and B flex clubs, but with the new change in flextime, only one of those clubs still stands, Student Christian Athletes has been shortened down to only B flex this time around, leaving students upset.