Seniors leave for Las Vegas right after graduation

May 23, 2017
Viva Las Vegas! At 10 on June 2, graduating seniors and attending guests are arriving at the middle school to attend the annual post grad celebration. Currently, 121 of Big Spring’s 2017 seniors will be attending. Each student will receive a door prize valued at $35-$40, a free t-shirt, and will also be given the opportunity to be put in a raffle for larger grand prizes. There are roughly 150 gifts to give away this year. Post grad committee member, Shawna Barr said, “The majority of the gifts are ones that both males and females can use. The hardest part of all of these gifts is transporting all of them to the middle school!” Seniors will undoubtedly be walking home with some sort of useful gift.
With no budget set, gift coordinator, Shawna Barr, had to go out on her own and look for gifts. The money that she is able to spend comes from all of the fundraising that Stefanie Sweger has planned. Throughout the year, Sweger has been planning and preparing many fundraisers for the senior class. There have been sub sales, knife sales, candy, travel mugs, and more. Barr is limited to spending whatever Sweger has gathered from sales.
There is a lot of planning that goes into post grad that a lot of people probably don’t know. Barr said, “We meet once a month for updates on each committee.” There is the fundraising committee, food, registration/tickets, video/shirts, chaperoning, gifts, entertainment, and decorations. “There are notebooks to go with each committee talking about what previous years have done, what has worked, and what hasn’t.” There are people in charge of each committee and they work to plan their part of post grad for the upcoming year.
As for the activities this year, the only thing that Barr would reveal is that there is definitely going to be plenty to do. There are tons of activities planned but nothing will be revealed until the night of in order to keep post grad a surprise for our seniors. Also, to all of the seniors, don’t worry about going hungry! The food committee has it under control and Barr said, “there will be lots of good eating”.
With only a few days remaining of high school, class trip, a few grad practices, and graduation in the way of post grad and summer, seniors are excited as they have a night of fun to look forward to. Senior Lauren Seiple said, “I’m most excited to just hang out with friends and celebrate our graduation in a safe way.” With a large attendance this year, it will for sure be a memorable experience for all of the seniors as they have one final event together as a class. Seiple has a lot of confidence in the post grad committee and has high expectations. Seiple said, “I’m expecting to see the hypnotist there because he was there in past years.” Considering the high attendance this year and the post grad committee that has been working so hard, seniors should have a night to remember in Las Vegas.