Small town band director named Grammy quarterfinalist

Hannah Custer, Reporter

Millions of people watch the Grammys each year to see their favorite artists perform and win awards, but not many schools can say that their band director is a quarterfinalist for a major music recognition.  

It’s a mystery to both Adam Nobile, band director, and his students as to who nominated him for the Music Educator Award which recognizes current educators, kindergarten through college level, who have made a significant and lasting contribution to the field of music education.  “I have no idea who nominated me.” Nobile said.  “It could be teachers, administrators, students, alumni, parents, it could be anyone.”

The really significant side of this award is that it is sponsored by the actual Grammy Foundation and it stretches to band directors from all over the United States.  If Nobile was to move up in the competition, he has the chance to attend the live Grammy event in New York City with big name celebrities.  However, Nobile is not all about the fame and fortune.  “I don’t do this for the recognition, I do this because I like music and I want other people to like music.”

Coming from a smaller school like Big Spring, this nomination has great meaning to the future of the Bulldogs.  Edward Wilson, choir director and Nobile’s colleague, said, “It’s like playing with the big dogs.” This nomination gives Big Spring a chance to become known among other schools, and it also gives the school a bigger name. In Wilson’s words, “Little things add up to big things.” Nobile is very outspoken about his band and always wants to make room for improvement. “This is something that I want to bring back to Big Spring to make our program better.” said Nobile.

As this award impacts the community, it has a substantial meaning to the students as they study under someone with a large honor.  Jay Ni, drum major, said, ”Studying under Mr. Nobile is a pleasure and an adventure. He has a way to connect with people and develop relationships in learning that many teachers cannot.” It is clear to see that all students appreciate what Mr. Nobile has done and will continue to do for the band program. Theodore Magee, saxophone captain, said “It’s a big honor for all of us, we are all very proud of Mr. Nobile and feel like he is getting the recognition he deserves.”