Number of music students hits high note

Hannah Custer, Reporter

Nearly 150 students walk through the doors of the Big Spring Music Department with high hopes to hit high notes on a daily basis, which is the largest amount of music students this department has seen in a long time. Band Director Adam Nobile said, “We are not done growing; we are getting more and more people starting at younger ages.”  Even with a full sound, the band always has room to grow.  Skylar Diehl, first chair flute, said, “There is something special that not many schools can achieve with a band this size.”

“The larger the number of students we have adds to the ensemble and strengthens the band.” said Diehl.  Sound is one of the most important things in regards to music ensembles.  “With more students, we have more people covering parts and more low brass for a richer sound.” said Nobile.  

Musically inclined students are commonly sparked within the elementary and middle schools.  “The middle school schedule has changed and now more students have more opportunities to participate in more things.” said Nobile.  As noted by many students, there are more and more freshmen coming into the choir and band making it more of a younger group.  In addition, some older students are new to the program as first time members.  Adam Mckeehan, a new baritone vocalist, said, “The more the merrier.” in regards to the choir. “It is great for presentation but it also increases the frequency of possible chaos.”

Every step taken in the musical journey of this program shines a light to the future of the department.  Edward Wilson, choir director, said, “The more people we have involved, the more value it has; the longer music will thrive.”  With more students, it definitely influences the potential of the music department.  Every year, it has gained more people and it should continue to grow in the future.  “Someday we might break the fire code capacity!” said Diehl.  

It is obvious to both the students and teachers that the music program at Big Spring is growing and it is evolving in more ways than one.  In Nobile’s words, “Success breeds success.”