Big Spring holds Veterans Ceremony

Tempus club host Veterans day ceremony in 2015. This years ceremony is November 10th 2017.

Mackenzie Crouse, Reporter

Big Spring TEMPUS club is holding the annual Veterans day ceremony today to help recognize all the veterans who have risked their lives for our country.

Scott Anderson, high school social studies teacher is the adviser to the TEMPUS Club. The current presidents are Mackenzie Herman and Brennan Flory. Herman runs TEMPUS in the fall time and Flory runs TEMPUS in the springtime.

“The Veterans Ceremony was started by Mr. Wilbur Wolf Jr. and his son Wilbur the third. They started the ceremony 10 years ago and turned over to TEMPUS the next year. The school needed to do more to recognize the veterans. Graduate Randall Shughart sacrificed his life for our country and he went to our school and was honored with Congressional Medal of Honor.” said Anderson.

TEMPUS has been running  the Veterans Ceremony for 9 years. Every year there is a guest speaker, and this year the guest speaker will be Gary Shullenburger.

This year there will be a big change in the ceremony. Anderson said, “Last year the flag was given to the youngest veteran. This year the youngest Vet will still receive the flag and the oldest Vet will receive the wreath.”

Anderson wants the students to get a positive feeling. “Over the years the students come back and say how much it really touches them. Multiple students go into the military from our school. These people have given up their lives and their time to go into the military. What the students get out of this is that the sacrifices these people make can not be forgotten. If we take them for granted then we will start taking more important things for granted. One man’s story is a sacrifice and it did touch many heart of the students.”

Anderson thinks it is a great idea to get the students more involved with the ceremony other than just them standing around watching it. One way to get involved currently is by joining TEMPUS.