Talented students craft original play.
October 9, 2018
The first ever completely student written play, “Scrooge of Rock”, will be showcased at Big Spring High School the week of Dec. 3.
Five students: Adam McKeehan, Jarod Fry, Isabella Llaguno, Emilee Fulkroad, and Sam Schaefer, and their teacher, Chad Feeser worked for weeks to construct this play.
Feeser said, “Scrooge of Rock” is about a modern day teen rock star, named Scrooge. He is all around a bad vocalist and a bad rock star in general. He starts to alienate his friends. He gets cocky with himself, so a few friends come to visit him, past, present, and future spirits of music.
This play will be triple cast, and it is entirely written by talented students in the Big Spring High School. McKeehan said, “ We wanted to achieve something different.”
Feeser said, “We wanted to make use of vast technical improvements that happened in the auditorium over the summer of 2018. McKeehan said, “ Originally our idea wanted to be based on a Christmas carol, but we put in a little twist.”