Wardle steps forward as new board member

March 6, 2019
John Wardle is the new school board member for Big Spring, assuming the role previously held by Wilbur Wolf Junior, prior to his death. Wardle is a teacher at Bermudian Springs, but is a 1983 alumnus of Big Spring. His four children are also Big Spring alumni. He joined the school board to make a difference and he plans to be as active as he can within the school to see where he can help. A large part of being on the school board is to know what’s happening in the school and how to help improve the school as a whole. Wardle plans to visit the district schools as often as he can and experience the ins and outs of the school first hand.
His goal is to have the school board be a transparent entity so that the public will be aware of all plans and their future vision. At this time, he doesn’t have any specific plans for the board due to his short tenure, but there is no doubt that he will endeavor to make great strides as he becomes more familiar with his role. He has only attended two meetings to date but expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome he received. Wardle said, “It’s a great experience and I was able to jump right in with them.” Due to his work at Bermudian Springs, he will be able to give a new and different perspective to the board.
Wardle was a friend and neighbor of Wolf Jr. and said this about his opportunity to take over his seat at the school board, “It’s a humbling experience to be able to fill his shoes and keep his credibility and honesty at the forefront of my experience. I plan to keep his shoes going in the right direction, and I hope to continue his legacy.”
The main focus of Wardle is his concerns for the students at Big Spring. He cares about everyone and hopes to maintain his integrity and honesty through his work. Wardle said he could look to any school board member as a role model. He wants to keep looking at the big picture, which is focusing on the education of every student. Wardle said this to the community, “I want them to know I am open to new ideas and I am here for the kids.”