Vaping is a bad idea

No vaping. vaping is band in big spring high school
April 9, 2019
Vaping is a deadly habit due to the chemicals in the vaping devices, as well as the consequences at school for vaping or possession of a Juul, which are quite serious. Brian Grzybowski, school resource officer, said, “The punishment for having vaping material is an in-school and out-of-school suspension, and if the police are involved then it is a citation.”
According to the CDC, some of the chemicals in e-cigarettes are heavy metals such as tin lead, zinc, nicotine, propylene glycol, and glycerin. The long term health consequences can be cancer. BSHS school nurse, Judy Metcalf, said, “Juuls in many ways affect lungs and your heart, and circulatory system. It also affects the brain. If you vape too much, then you become addicted.”
Vaping can affect the whole body along with the mouth and teeth. It affects mental awareness. E-cigarettes can cause lung damage. It also makes people’s heart rate and blood pressure increase. It also can cause popcorn lung. Popcorn lungs are little holes in the lungs that make it hard to breath and possibly even kill you .
As stated in the commercial by “safer= safe” on Youtube, people who vape are 4 more times likely to start smoking and get different cancers such as (sino-nasal cancer) and potentially oral cancer and lung cancer.