Annual Easter egg hunt underway this weekend

Michael Wickard, Reporter

It’s that time of year again to hunt for  eggs with kids of all ages in the high school gymnasium. Sherisa Nailor, Heather Detwiler, and the students of National Honor Society usually prepare more than 1,000 Easter eggs for the hunt. They also said that they would usually host for more than 100 kids. The hunt begins at 9 on Saturday, and is divided into three age groups. The entire hunt lasts about 45 minutes.
The hunt is handled by a committee that works from October to the date of the hunt on gathering the eggs, filling them with candy, planning the activities and advertising to the community and elementary schools. Even though that is a lot of work to get done, they get it done on time. They will also have more activities for the children to participate in during the event, including face painting, coloring, crafts, and petting real bunnies are all included in the plan.. Nailor said, “That there would be also tattoos as well.” Get Egg-Cited for the Easter Egg Hunt!