Mini-THON “breaks up” with council

Students of Mini-Thon holding peace. Mini-Thon was a blast
September 19, 2019
Not too long ago, Big Springs’ student council was the head of our Biannual Mini-THON, and all yearly activities came to a halt during the time of January through March, in preparation of a 12 hour dance marathon. Then last year the decision was made that there needed to be a separation between the two, allowing for activities hosted by both to be able to flourish. Last year, student council was advised by Kelsey Hernjak, Emily Young, and Lauren Hetrick. When the decision to make the split was finalized, Hernjak moved to Mini-THON, where as Hetrick and Young stayed with student council.
Mini-THON club is currently looking for another adviser to help Hernjak. The split of the two clubs ultimately started prior to the beginning of the 18-19 school year. Student council was still the head of the event, but invited other members of the school to join them in their planning. This caused confusion between members, advisers, and students of the building as to who the leadership team truly was. This problem was taken care of quickly however, allowing the leadership team to settle into their positions and lead the rest of the group to another monumental Mini-THON.
Hetrick said, “This will benefit work in Mini-THON club; it will help Big Spring families, and it is more successful on its own.” The problem that they had was that most of the people who were there last year, do not show up this year. Some people think the Mini-THON split is a benefit and not a benefit. Elizabeth Wilkinson, a student council officer, said “ It will be a benefit, where they can raise more money and funds.” Whereas Hetrick said, “It will be a benefit for Student Council so they can work in between the years that THON club was not running, so that student council can get work done when they are not planning THON.”
Most feel good about the split and thinks it works out for both clubs.