Photography declines due to technology
Some example work of Emily Reifsynder who is currently in Pennsylvania College of Art and Design. This photo was an example from Emily’s lighting class.
February 19, 2020
Technology today has really cut down on the use of digital cameras, due to the ability of phones to do almost the same amount of work with the same amount of quality. Both photo classes that are available at the high school for students to take currently are taught by Micheal Mcvitty. “This class has been around for about seven or eight years now.” according to Mcvitty. The first class offered to students is digital photography one, which is a beginners class that introduces different aspects of photo taking. The follow up class, digital photography two, is offered to anyone who has already taken part in photo one. Digital photography two is based around designing a more personal website and is more independent work.
One unusual aspect of these particular classes is the failure rate which used to be common. Mcvitty said,, “The failure rate has decreased dramatically over the past couple of classes.” The students just didn’t want to go out and take pictures,” but the past couple of classes that he has taught, he started to notice the middle school students are actually taking this class more seriously. “Maybe this is because the middle schoolers know better and that things won’t just be handed to them in high school.” He noticed this change in the amount of failures last year.
Even with all the kids that come through his class, one student stood out to Mcvitty, Emily Reifsnyder. Reifsnyder actually went onto college for photography and as Mcvitty said, “took photography seriously and didn’t give up.” Reifsnyder attends Pennsylvania college of Art and Design. Mcvitty also spoke about how his photo two classes always do really well with this photography. “Last marking period did really well with the class, some of them actually traveled for their pictures.” said Mcvitty.
Two students that were in his last photo two class were Alyssa Ellis and Emma Zeigler. Ellis and Zeigler have taken both of Mcvitty’s photography classes, starting off their freshman year. Unlike others, both Ellis and Zeigler chose the class, which was really uncommon because most students were tossed in just because they needed the art credit. “We both enjoyed the adventures that the class sent them on to achieve getting the best pictures,” said Ellis. They enjoyed getting out and taking pictures for the class and finally, learning different editing procedures. Zeigler isn’t planning on going professional, but does plan to take random photos here and there. Ellis suggested that she might continue down the road.
Mcvitty’s favorite part of teaching these classes purely consists of the students and how each one has a different viewpoint. “I enjoy the kids’ photos, and seeing their photos reminds me of little windows on how they see the world.” said Mcvitty. He also loves to watch the students get an idea and actually chase it. He likes to call this the “photo bug.” Each student has a different viewpoint and captures creative angles that he personally wouldn’t see through his eyes.