For a number of years, the Big Spring School District has separated lunch and flex time into different lunches called “A”, “B’, and “C” lunch
“A” lunch previously was strictly made for just the freshman class, no upperclassmen. Bringing “A” lunch back would benefit upperclassmen by having more free time and letting freshmen just get settled to high school. As for some it might be hard or some may be easy. C lunch would also include vo-tech students which would increase the “C” lunch attendance. Currently, everyday around 200 to 300 students eat at one lunch.
Bringing back “A” lunch would benefit all students, staff, and teachers. A lunch would be a better time for some students to eat. Rather eat before go to flexes do to work. Teachers wouldn’t have big flexes with many students. Which would allow students who need help have a more focused attitude and not afraid to ask for help. This would give teachers also more time to interact with those students who need it, or more time for planning. “A” lunch makes “B” and “C” lunch less full and since “C” lunch involves vo-tech students then it gives more space for them. Another lunch would also give enough space between the growler and the cafeteria for any lunch. Spreading out students would prevent things such as lines being too long which causes there to not be enough time for some students to eat. Especially if they are going to a flex to do make up work or have a club that is important. This would also prevent fights and provide more seats for students to choose and spread out. All lunches should be an open flex to other students who need help, study, or just an open flex. Eating lunch and socializing with friends is good for students’ mental health. Different lunches would spread out students and provide enough space.