Jaden Best, a former student intern, gets to school in the morning and completes all his regular school work. When he gets out of school, he goes on to pursue his current job and prior internship with the Big Spring Athletic Department where he has a huge role in conducting all sports practices and games at Big Spring.
“Internships help improve student interns’ communication skills and ability to work with coworkers” Jaden Best
Internship programs’ purpose at Big Spring is to help develop soft skills students may need in the future that they don’t get in the classroom. According to Cherie Powell “Internships benefit a students future by letting them pursue a career early that may be or apply to their actual planned future career.” This will give students the opportunity to have a baseline of skills they got in Highschool enabling them to be a better worker after they graduate.
The reasons students choose to do internships are because they might have a hole in their schedule and want to try something new. This enables students to do something that defines them and their future. Best says his internship helped him improve his communication and work skills. He also chose an internship that goes hand and hand with what he thinks their future career might be. For example if they want to pursue a career in landscaping they can intern a business who landscapes.
“ The difference between students who pursue internships and the ones who don’t is student interns a generally more focused on self improvement in their work skills and they are not as focused on grades as most students are” Powell
Internships Started at this school over 30 years ago to help students with these valuable skills. Powell says “ Internships are rising in popularity but also changing because more students are pursuing white collar internships when blue collar is normally the option”. This means internships are becoming more broad and diverse for students. Powell says this about the future for internships “ I would like to see every student do an internship at some time in Highschool to help them learn and decide their career path. This is also backed by Best saying “ I would recommend internships to any student because they build skills in employment” Internships have proven to be a great way to develop work skills early giving students the opportunity to have a great future career.